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Hellfire Hades II: 1980’s Voodoo

| 150 Min. | | ,
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It’s the fall of 1980-Something. Seeking to uncover the fate of those slain before them, Freddy Stone, Chris Scendo, Penny Moneysworth, Morganna Midnight, and Mike Calculus venture out into the accursed Hades Woods. Once there, they discover an ancient text consumed by witchcraft deep in the Groundskeeper’s cabin: The Book of Hades. When they look to the book for answers, they soon learn that the one behind the massacre that occurred just months prior was none other than HELLFIRE HADES himself! They may find the answers they were looking for, but that comes with conjuring the terrifying return of the slayer of saints, the demon lord from another realm, ready for his attack on the 1980’s once again. While hoping the spellbound pages give them a fighting chance at survival, what they unleash is nothing short of bewitchment, devilry, and all sorts of voodoo.

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